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To assess the role of advanced technologies in enhancing training and development opportunities of employees in surviving economic crises - A case of MNCs in the UK.

To assess the role of advanced technologies in enhancing training and development opportunities of employees in surviving economic crises - A case of MNCs in the UK.


Background of study

As the world is rapidly moving toward advanced technologies, organizations have been competing due to globalization, technological economic, and political changes. The technological change and the advancement have not only revolutionized the operations of the organizations but it has also created great opportunities and threats for the training and the development of the human resource through the effective use of the technology. Hence organizations need to effectively use the technologies for the training and the growth of the organizations. These organizations must utilize to increase the job performance of the employees through the different training programs.

But before the training, the employee's company must do the research and the development to assess the most effective technologies and the methods that organizations use to best train and educate their employees. Then organizations must assess the employee's strengths and weaknesses so that the employees must be trained in the areas where they are weak and where they are strong, with their help the other employees must be trained. It is of utmost importance to analyze their weaknesses and strengths because their performance can be improved through specialized skills and capabilities.

Problem Statement

Despite the enhanced pressure of one organizational employee on the others, still, there is a lack of the literature on the human resource issues and there are also claims of the customers on the organizations for the bad service from the employees. But it cannot be ignored have contributed to the issues and the strategies and methods and the technologies that can be used for enhancing employee performance and resolving customer issues. For the mitigation of the gap that has been created between the actual and the desired performance of the employees, it is necessary to adopt certain modern technologies that may help in the employee's skills development that will help them in economic crises and indirectly help customers providing them the best service. This study will mitigate that gap and further help in understanding human resource management and the role of training in employee development.


Goals of the Study

Concerning the background, the goal of this study is to determine the effects of the advanced technologies on the skill development of the employees that will help them in the economic crises. Where,

 The dependent variable is employee skills.

The Independent variable is an advanced technology

The direct relationship between advanced technology and employee skills

Below are the sub-goals,

Analyze the impact of advanced technology on employee skill development.

Analyze the impact of training on employee skills.

Analyze the relationship between skill development and survival in economic crises.

The goals are following the SMART methodology, The expectation from the finds is that with the use of advanced technologies the gap between employees’ desired performance and the achieved performance will be mitigated and they would become capable of surviving the economic crises by using their learned skills through the use of advanced technology.


Research questions

What are the advantages of advanced technology?

What are the objectives of the training?

What methods can be used and whether they would meet the training objectives?

How dies training helps the employees in developing the skills in the economic crises?


Literature review

This study is based on the articles on the impact of the advanced technologies on the employee skills development that may help them in the economic crises in the UK. It has become the main concern how employee skills can be developed by using modern technologies and how they will help them in handling the economic crises. Many organizations have been training their employees through advanced technologies. Furthermore, because organizations have been in the competitive market space hence it has become very essential for them to be the first mover in adopting the new technologies and train their employees for gaining a competitive advantage and remaining the change adoptive.

In the collective analyses of the articles, it has been noted that the organizations that have remained successful in developing the employee skills have been following the proper human resource management strategies that are discussed below.

Coaching and/or mentoring

It has been observed that organizations who train their less-skilled employees through experienced employees are successful at developing the employee skill by reducing their cost of training and developing the employees for the future crises and the challenges. This practice is mostly applied to the new graduates.


Orientation is one of the methods that is commonly followed by every organization for training their new employees to make them acquainted with the responsibilities, jobs and the organization's policies, and the standards that must be followed and met. During the orientation, it is exposed to the employee, what is expected from them, and how they have to identify and undertake their tasks and various responsibilities. Moreover, they are introduced to the overall environment of the organization, technology, culture health and safety issues processes, and the procedures.


Formal training courses and development programs

Many the organizations register their employees in the different training programs and courses offered where the duration, content, and all the details regarding the programs are mentioned hence organizations can decide on those various programs and the courses by looking at the needs of their employees in the various aspects from the training and the development.

Performance appraisal

Performance appraisal is the tool that helps in the evaluation of the performance of the desired object over the different periods. But our purpose in the study is to evaluate the performance of the employees from time to time to analyze what performance level of a particular employee. This study will follow the development and administrative perspective, through this it would be analyses what are the strength, and weaknesses, of the employee, assist the employee in their tasks and goals identification, identify the individual training needs, and allow the employee to discuss the issues. In the end, analyzing the overall performance of the individual and providing him the feedback based on his/her performance and comparing it with the standards and the benchmarks. If he has achieved the desired p[performance he must be appreciated if he has achieved more than the target he must be rewarded based on them based on the benefits and the compensation system and if he has not achieved the desired outcomes then he must be provided the feedback and trained where he is lacking..

Reward system

There are various reward systems based on employee performance. Organizations must be careful regarding setting the reward system because sometimes, it occurs that employees have the skill and the education but still they are not performing because of not getting the recognition and fair rewards based on their performance. It is awful when employees have skills but they still don’t perform due to this organization's cost of training the employees would be wasted. On the other hand when the rewards are equitable and fair based on the performance then employees perform to their fullest and in most cases, they would achieve their desired target and in most cases, they would achieve more than the set target. In another case, if the reward system is fair but they still cannot perform, then there is a lack of training and education. Hence organizations must identify where employees lack and they must provide them training accordingly.





The research methodology is the different methods that have been followed while conducting the study and collecting the data qualitative and quantitative. Furthermore, it also highlights the area of the study.


Hence this study is conducted through the use of the qualitative data through the use of the secondary data by analyzing the various articles related to the impact of the advanced technology on the skills development of the employees and how those skills can help the employees to survive in the economic crises in the UK.

Data Collection Instrument

The available methods for data collection are primary and secondary. This study is conducted through the use of the secondary article, hence the results will be drawn through analyzing those secondary data articles on whether the impact of advanced technology is positive or negative in the economic crises of the UK.

Sampling Strategy

The available options that we have are random sampling and non-random sampling. This study has followed non-random sampling because we have concentrated on following the chosen article of our choice articles.

Data Analysis Technique

There are qualitative and non-qualitative techniques. We have followed the qualitative technique because of the causal relationship.

Ethical considerations

This study has been conducted through the articles that are permitted to be used hence not violating any ethical criteria.


It has been analyzed that technological advancement has a mostly positive impact on employee skills development in the economic crises because technology enables the employees to prepare themselves for the crises. Furthermore, through the qualitative secondary data, it was reviewed that organizations that train their employees through various methods like coaching orientation, training programs, and performance appraisal are much better at surviving the economic crises than those that don’t.

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