sales report example

Sustainability of Jet 2 (UK)

Sustainability of Jet 2 (UK)



 Jet2 is the third largest airline of the United Kingdom. It is used to facilitate the passengers those who are willing to move for enjoyment. It provides services to the 60 and above destinations.Jet2 is providing safe traveling across Europe. Millions of passengers traveled from this airline. The Jet2 airline also sold more than 96million tickets so far.

This airline is considered as the cheapest airline of the United Kingdom especially for the tourism purpose. Approximately it has 9 operational bases to facilitate the public. They provide the services from different airports like Manchester, Glasgow and Leeds Bradford airport are in top priorities. This airline operates from ten UK airports.Jet2 is awarded and winning customer service airline which allows the capacity of 22 kg luggage.

 Different researches shows that the customer service and engagement is very friendly. In this airline if you value a pleasant flight than you must prefer this airline .Jet2 is comprising of 14.6 millions of customers in the year of 2019-2020 .They carried a passenger quantity of 360000 passengers in a single first year of their services and also they acquire 32 new Boeing aircrafts in 2015.


The vision of Jet2 is to become a top airline in the world in terms of travel fare and holidays. Jet2 has a strategy to grow with a combination of organic expansions through the implementation of high quality services. The vision includes to make memories for the customers with safe travelingJet2 vision is to be friendly and approachable with the customers. Another vision is to be present where customer need our presence in a nervous situation.

 Our core value is to provide comfort to the passengers. Our value is to make sure business strategy, working with big businesses and make collaboration to make aviation sustainable. Our commitment is to meet annually for maintaining progress. Our vision is to be zero carbon emission till 2023.IIt has also a vision to operate also on ground level and covering operations in the air and in the resorts.

 Another broad vision includes to invest in a new aircraft and sustainable aviation fuel by 2026 and becomes the world’s largest airline in carbon offsetting. Jet2 aims to empower its customers and reduce carbon in single use plastic by 2023. Jet have done so many steps to improve its progress and they had also plan to promote and move forward and maintain its quality.



1-            Explain the relationship between customer experience and sustainability.

2-            To recommend strategies for jet2 to enhance customer experience through improved sustainability efforts.

3-            Increasing the fuel efficiency for reducing the cost burden on the customers and the company.

4-            Striving for the technological advancement for the sake of remaining sustainable in the long term by gaining the competitive advantage.

5-            Passenger comfort- resolving every small and big problem for providing better service to customers.


Past operations

If someone is talking about past. So the core topic of past is Covid 19 Pandemic. Covid 19 reflects the performance of different airlines .Covid 19 disrupts the travel industries throughout the year of 2021.Jet had facd many problems in the past due to lockdown of borders and different airports. In the pandemic situation Jet2 is the online airline which refund the money of their customers to maintain credibility.Jet2 had voted as best short haul airline for the six time in the last eight to nine years. In the year of 2017 the jett2 is the second largest airline to operate tour.

 In 2016 Jet2 marked 1.2 million customers in a single year. In 2015 they achieve more than one million satisfied customers which is considered as big achievement to promote vision of the airline. In Pandemic situation they introduced the Bristol airport which is the new destination of Jet2 that promotes and sharpens the company survival and growing travel business and speaking the growth values. In the past they promotes south west England.

 This is considered as big achievement in the era of struggling which is pandemic. IN 2005 it expands their operations to Newcastle and Edinburgh and adding the 6 UK based to promote and expanding its roots to the whole Europe. In 2019 they launched a new website to help in navigation. These are the past operations and on the basis of these operations the Jet2 achieved a lot in this last 5 to 10 years .In the past they worked on different grass root level to enhance its basics and then move to standard operation and then moved to big operations to maintain its credibility which is in favor of the customer experience and maintain comfort level and to promote vision with professionalism.

Present operations

Climate change

Climate change is one of the major current issues that the airline industry has been facing for a long. Because of the carbon emissions, the airline industry has been facing great pressure for taking certain actions for reducing environmental pollution.

For responding to this challenge, IATA has provided certain strategies that are efficient aircraft operations, enhanced and eco-friendly technology, and single malformed measures. Until all these requirements are met these climate change issues will continuously impact the airline industry.

The airline industry is considered one of the important aspects of the global economy. Pre-COVID, the aviation industry had to deal with a lot of issues, some of which were also solved through different periods of time. But, after the advent of the COVID, the challenges became more severe for the airline industry than it never had faced in the decades even during the economic recessions and the 9/11 attack. Hence companies have been completely changing their operation for making a better future in the airline industry.

Technological advancement

One of the major challenges the airline industry is facing is technological advancement. Because the airline industry has become one of the competitive markets which are moving toward advanced technology and dependence on it can also make the industry vulnerable. For example, software issues and airline operations may be crippled until they are resolved. In case of not upgrading the infrastructure in terms of the aircraft communication systems may be impossible my collapse the whole system.

Passenger comfort and experience

In the airline industry, customer satisfaction and good experience are one of the factors that can make the industry successful because aviation is a service industry that should be highly customer-driven. And the fact is that company cannot satisfy every customer because every customer has a different set of priorities on the bases of which he/she rates the service hence improving the customer service can enormously grow and sustain the company.


Future operations

Performance disparity of the airlines in the future

After the great pandemic, the airline industry has completely changed, some companies have responded to the COVID by restructuring the overall operations and organizational processes so as to better prepare themselves for the future, on the other hand, others have merely made a few the changes. Organizations that are not restructuring may face greater challenges in the future and may cost more than they would if changed now. Similarly, organizations that have changed and restructured would get greater advantages in the long term.

Higher investment in IT and digital

Before the COVID, companies were hardly spending 5% of their revenues on the IT Related advancement. Even though many of the companies were generating huge revenues and profits but still they were reluctant to invest in IT for the advancement of the company because maybe they were not facing such big challenges as COVID. But after the COVID, industry trends shifted completed due to which it became very necessary to invest in IT and technological enhancement so as to best satisfy customers.

Hydrogen-powered planes: it is reported that the airline industry is currently responsible for 3.6% of the greenhouse gas of the EU due to which it is being planned that the modern planes would use kerosene as the fuel. According to a recent report, hydrogen-powered planes can enter the market in 2035 and the major benefit of those would be they can carry hundreds of more passengers per plane than the traditional ones with e cleaner energy.

Going beyond the traditional wing design:  it is reported that in a few of the coming years, a blend of the wings design may be introduced for the single plane which will help in providing the lift for the entire airplane. Wings that are used in the high-speed military jets may be used in commercial airline.

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