sales report example

E-commerce Sector Industry Trends Analysis and Strategic Planning

E-commerce Sector Industry Trends Analysis and Strategic Planning


Introduction & Identifying Issues

The e-commerce sector has seen significant growth in the past two decades. The growth drivers rapidly transition from physical to online stores, an increase in online purchases, and the great role of internet in promoting online customer’s decisions anytime, anywhere, buy and pay online as well. In this period one of the major companies that were rising is ASOS. It is showing huge growth day by day. ASOS is one of the UK's largest e-commerce fashion and beauty retailers. The company offers more than 60000 product lines with a huge range of products on its website which is, which includes private as well as branded label products. They have been launching almost more than 1300 new product lines each week. The major product lines are men’s apparel, women’s apparel, jewellery, accessories, and beauty products. Despite the economic bad period’s company is showing huge growth in profitability.


VRIO Analysis of ASOS PLC

Figure 1: VRIO Framework Process


VIRO analysis helps the organization in analysing the resources and capabilities and creating a competitive advantage through the use of internal resources by looking at the four components value, rarity, imitability, and organization.

Valuable: human resources, marketing expertise, financial resources, and operations management. These are all the valuable resources of the ASOS.

Rare: if resources are not valuable they do not provide a competitive advantage and market performance is compromised. Hence resources should be valuable enough to get a competitive advantage.

Inimitable: because of so much advancement in technology, the data of the companies have become vulnerable to the threat. It was claimed by the ASOS that the core differentiation is it is difficult to imitate.

Organizational Competence & Capabilities: organizational capabilities of the ASOS are highly dependent on the resources it has and how it uses those resources. Further, it depends on the organization how it used the resource and creates a competitive advantage over the internal resource.







Competitive Advantage

Talent to Manage Legal Obligations



It is imitable


Not critical factor

They are present both globally and locally

Yes, revenue streams are diversified and isolated in the company's balance sheet from an economic point of view


Can be imitable

Yes, it is a diversified company

Competitive Advantage

Brand awareness


Yes, ASOS has the leading brands in the industry


ASOS Beighton created positions in the various segments

Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Access to Cheap Capital



Can be imitated by competitors

Not been exploited

Not significant in creating a competitive advantage

It has created a good Position among Retailers and Wholesalers – company name retail strategy

Yes, good relationship with intermediaries

Yes, sound relation with channel partners

inimitable though not impossible

Yes, the company has remained successful


Customer Loyalty

Yes, 23% of the consumers are contributing to more than 84% of the sales

Yes, the company has a strong customer loyalty

Tried many competitors but no one could imitate

The firm leveraging the customer loyalty positively

Provide average-level competitive advantage

ASOS strategies are aligned with corporate strategy



Each company follows its strategy

Yes, the firm produces maximum output by using skills

Still, there is a gap between desired performance and outcome

There is synergy between product portfolios if the various product lines

Yes, it is valuable according to customers’ preferences.

Many competitors are trying to enter the potential segments

It is imitative by the competitors

The firm has used it for a good cause

Provide short term competitive advantage but innovation is needed for sustainability

Suppliers are flexible



Near competitors also have flexible supply chains and share some of the suppliers

Fully utilized

Keeps the business running

Opportunities and new resources are required to enter the new industry

Can be valuable because of generating new revenues


It is imitable

There is still a gap in capabilities to be utilized

Has potential

External and internal environment analysis

In conclusion to the internal and external analysis, the porters five forces model reflected that the ASOS was performing well because it faces less rivalry, low bargaining power of suppliers, low bargaining power of the customer, low threat of entry, and low substitute threat and all of this has become possible because of the efficient use of the internal resources and capabilities which created the competitive advantage for the ASOS.

Strategic planning

Benefits of planning while formulating strategy

·         It makes the organizations proactive rather than reactive.

·         It provides the direction for further actions.

·         It enhances operational efficiency.

·         It helps in formulating the strategies that further help in increasing the market share and profitability.

·         It helps in making the businesses more stable.


PDCA cycle of ASOS

Figure 2: PDCA Cycle


PDCA cycle helps continuously to plan, do, check, and act. It provides an easy and effective approach for managing change and solving problems. This model is helpful for testing at a small scale. ASOS has signed agreements with Microsoft for its business operations for 5 years. ASOS engineering teams follow the PDCA cycle by planning for the projects and implementing them and finally checking the performance of the projects and various related activities. Hence the ASOS team is working with Microsoft to create the platforms for the customers that enable agility and resilience. It is a very critical thing to do in satisfying the customer needs for the fashion and beauty products.

Strategies for ASOS

ASOS uses digital marketing and other digital communication tools to connect and reach potential customers.

ASOS claimed that for the very eight Facebook fans it has one Twitter follower and 100 email subscribers. This is because of their belief that email marketing can directly contribute to 10% of the sales.

In 2017, ASOS launched a campaign in which it encouraged customers to upload videos of past purchases. The result was astonishing because in the UK 3 million people uploaded their videos and communicated about the products in the videos which were helpful in the ASOS marketing strategies.

5.3.1. ASOS product strategy

ASOS sells its products and clothes directly to the customers who can be purchased by using the internet and other apps suggested for buying (see appendix B). Not all the products ASOS sells are made by him but sometimes they are made by the other brands. They have many brands in their stores such as Nike, Calvin Kein, Adidas, etc.

Furthermore, they have the verities of the product portfolio because they want to satisfy the variety of the customers they also customize their products to meet the preferred needs of the customers according to the different geographical locations.



ASOS is one of the major e-commerce companies which have been leading in fashion and beauty clothing and other accessories. While analysing the external environment we looked that ASOS has the internal capabilities that help him to better perform in satisfying the needs of the consumers. Finally, this report also analysed the strategies and planning of the ASOS which helps him in achieving and sustaining the long-term growth and profitability.



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