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Effects of a healthy diet in the reduction of obesity in adolescents

Effects of a healthy diet in the reduction of obesity in adolescents



The following assignment coined the concept of obesity and aimed to identify the factors that influenced obesity among young adolescents in the UK. The assignment uses 3 different kinds of journal articles Qualitative, single-cohort and Randomised control trial studies to understand different aspects and social and behavioural changes among young adults due to early intervention of obesity. The essay presents a simple introduction to why the assignment is being conducted followed by the background and rationale for choosing this topic to address the issue of public health after the emergence of the pandemic. Next, the study identifies the concept of literature review by mentioning the type of data that is being collected to explain the strengths and weaknesses of the three chosen articles. Next, the essay critically appraises the articles concluding with a conclusion and recommendation to highlight the main points.

Background and Rationale

The current study is focused on the literature review of the various articles which will highlight the impact of a healthy diet on reduction of the obesity. Furthermore, this review will compare various studies in order to reach certain results regarding a healthy diet and obesity. Obesity is badly affecting health and causing other diseases. Adults with high obesity are on the verge of risk which is giving birth to other psychological and medical-related problems. To tackle such types of issues, various experts have suggested different approaches for adolescents who are facing overweight issues like use of the mobile health apps and healthy eating lifestyle programs (Obrosova, 2007). Those who are not successful at reducing their obesity with the suggested obesity reducing programs are proposed for higher-level stage interventions. Nowadays mobile apps are being used at a higher level because of their low cost and high availability on the internet and also because everyone possesses a smartphone. Furthermore, mobiles help the easy track of the physical activity and calorie intake. (Obrosova, 2007).

Secondly, healthy eating programs are also vastly suggested by the experts because studies have proved that a healthy diet helps in reducing obesity. Furthermore, Motivation to change, self-efficacy, and self-esteem are also proven as encouraging tools in the reduction of obesity and improving a healthy lifestyle (Lee, 2013) Almost 7% of the young people and children have obesity in the UK and over 1% of the candidates were found to extreme obesity with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 3 standard deviations above the mean of .2.

According to Dr Lu Qi, It was also found that eating healthy food such as high consumption of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, sugary drinks, and fried foods reduces the risk of obesity and helps in weight loss ultimately, which results in a healthy lifestyle. He further added that the effect is more evident in those with a high tendency toward obesity. Qi said environmental and genetic factors also drive obesity. Suppose the people in the surroundings are using the food leading to obesity. In that case, they are encouraging others in the surroundings because psychology says people mostly do the things that comply with the other people. They are less likely to do things that are not confirmed; hence, the use of fast foods in the surrounding and other related items also encourages others to use those goods (Dr Lu Qi).

Furthermore, various health-related weight management programs, such as Kurbo, are helping the individuals by providing them with videos related to nutrition, physical activity, and self-monitoring for improving their physical exercise and diet. Various researches showed that people who used the Kurbo features successfully lost weight. It was also demonstrated that Kurbo was more effective in the early stages of the intervention than the people who had reached far more in the obesity. At that stage, Kurbo was less likely effective. (Lee, 2013).


In the literature review, the researcher uses existing studies to debate a particular topic and adds a critical assessment that can cover the area of the problem and present knowledge in writing to expand the search material and content in a research (Chernyadyev et al., 2018). Some of the most used literature reviews in studies are in the form of traditional or narrative structures, systematic, meta-analysis and meta-synthesis. In the literature review context, evaluating the quality and validity of the research used is known as critical appraisal. Researchers use different essential assessment tools so that the collected study is valid and authentic to use to address the research statements and objectives. Similarly, the critical appraisal of an article uses a systematic approach to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the research to highlight the specific uses that other researchers can use to strengthen findings on the topic.

Critical Appraising tools

Long, French and Brooks (2020) Add that critically evaluating the reliability of the research to be used in other studies is referred to as the critical appraisal tools used by the research to identify the relevancy of the sources to determine any internal and external threats. The tools used in essential appraisal are generalizability, validity, reliability etc. Avellar et al. (2017) state that generalizability is also named external validity or applicability that reaches out to target the effect of the studies on the expected outcomes and the target population. The truth of the research makes it authentic and straightforward to be used on a target population. According to Egami and Hartman (2020), appraising the study's validity can make it easy to identify the types of sources that are liable, and the data collected in each study is assessed individually in different studies. Hence, to understand the concept of careful studies, many researchers adopt the CASP tool to appraise literary studies and articles critically.

Numerous studies are carried out all around the world every day. Every study is based on a specific structure and method used to identify different concepts in a study. In other words, a study design is defined as a set of processes and procedures used to conduct research and analyse different patterns using new patterns. As Haven and Van Grootel (2019) explained, two of the most popular study designs used by researchers are either in the form of qualitative or quantitative studies. Qualitative studies use a descriptive, narrative type of study, whereas quantitative studies use correlational and analytical studies to study different concepts. Moreover, it was also added that in order to understand clinical concepts based on a worldwide health issue, RCT studies are most suitable.  

Randomised Controlled Trials

To start with, RCT studies are also known as Randomised Controlled Trials. These studies are conducted to collect evidence-based medical research as it highlights and respects the Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Elliott et al., 2017). RCT studies are known as highly qualitative studies used to finance ideas on the impact of medical aid. The practised research discusses that conducting such research allows the study to be awarded more credibility as it benefits from examining any medical intervention or treatment in a controlled way. Moreover, the practised study can measure results more precisely to avoid biases. However, such studies are costly and time-consuming as it challenges the researcher logically (Twisk et al., 2018).

Cohort Study (Prospective Observational Study)     

           Cohort studies are generally clinical research studies studied to understand a specific condition of any cause or treatment over some time (Munnangi and Boktor, 2017). It is an observational study that compares the results of one research with another group of people that are not affected by the condition. As a significant advantage, the study can assess different outcomes related to a single study exposure. However, these are rarely used to understand the causes and treatments of rare diseases. Hence, the use of this study lowers the chances of any bias.

Qualitative study

              Qualitative research identifies different phenomena to work out patterns and theories that can help solve complex problems and answer questions in observational. However, it is essential to know that such studies are most helpful to focus on the enhancement of the studies. Mays and Pope (2020) found that the clinical researcher widely uses qualitative research studies as it represents the perspective of participants who are most likely to be patients to permit them to share their experience about any medical condition they are going through. Using qualitative research in studies is to modify and present different practices for clinical trials.

               As best preferred, the library database used to carry out this research uses Google Scholar as a platform to collect the articles to match the topic question. Google Scholar is a broad platform as it provides more than hundreds and thousands of relevant articles. Google Scholar is one of the most useful ways to improve the potential research by clinicians.

              The PICO tool is one of the most useful tools that focus on the clinical question that can help in improving the specificity and conceptual clarity of the questions to understand the information used in order to solve complex search strategies and more precisely understand the results. The focus of the question is to understand the issue faced by the patient or a population for further evidence. The PICO tool for question comprises population, intervention, control and outcomes. This strategy is mostly used by clinical researchers as it also provides the facility to identify relevant information. To search for the specific topic, the broadness of the topic is about the effects of obesity on the health of young adolescents.                          

              Hence, to conduct a similar study, it is essential to understand the exclusion and inclusion criteria. The researchers must find it essential to include the protocols of the study with the help of the population. As defined by Munn et al., (2020), the inclusion criteria are the characteristics that identify the subjects that are chosen for the research. As an example, inclusion criteria can include demographic, age, gender, race, ethnicity, educational background, physical activities, previous medical conditions and psychological and emotional conditions etc. whereas, Maher et al., (2022) described that exclusion criteria are the ethical characteristics that prohibit the studies to overcome practical issues related to the study itself.

Critical Appraisal

Different researches proved that a healthy diet was helpful to reduce obesity in adolescents from 14 to 16 years. Journal of medical internet results conducted the study on adolescents. To analyse and check the relationship between mobile apps and obesity. Either it is efficient and helpful to reduce obesity. The Name of this study is a cohort study on adolescents in which age bracket of 10 to 16 years and the BMI was 85th percentile and above (Lim et al., 2021).

To check the obesity they used Body Mass Index (BMI) to check the effectiveness of mobile apps for lowering the obesity. After the evaluation of 73. The participants have selected 40 samples of the participants and the results show that between 1 to 3 months of coaching practice there is no significant change highlighted in the BMI. But after 3 to 6 months changes occurred. The findings show that there is no change in BMI, but you should use this technique to overcome obesity in the population of low income and diverse populations (Chew et al., 2021).

 The second study was conducted by Thomas and focused on a qualitative study to check what people say about healthy weight and possible barriers to a healthy weight. In this study, 11 questions were asked in-depth interviews to monitor the root cause of healthy weight (Thomas and Irwin, 2009). How do people define what a healthy weight is? The participants answered differently that physical activity enhances and maintains body weight, family support is important to maintain body weight in terms of a healthy diet and some people expressed psychological dimension in the result and few participants perceived barriers to a healthy diet like overeating, the school environment is unsupportive, bullying in the school and unhealthy diet is a leading factor of obesity (Thomas and Irwin, 2009).

Another study was published in the archives of diseases in childhood in the city of England (London) in 2016. In this study, the focus was on how community-based interventions will be helpful for the child (Wong et al., 2017). As adolescents and another important focus are how weight management techniques will be helpful for weight loss. This study is a randomised trial conducted by the medical research council and the subjects were selected randomly and received either help or promote care for more than 6 months. This study has conducted by a team of a psychologist who is responsible for completing a 5 days training program to change behaviour. The eligibility for this research is children of age 13 To 17 with a BMI of 98th percentile (Kinra et al., 2017). In this study, different tests like the Rosenberg self-esteem scale were applied by the psychologists as also done development and well-being assessment. This last assessment is useful for 50% psychiatric level of diagnosis. The linear regression scale is used to monitor BMI in terms of age and gender there are 510 participants’ who were total in number but 352 are eligible for screening. And the results show no significant difference in the BMI and no significant difference in psychological functioning, blood pressure, and glucose level (Christie et al., 2017).

         The table below presents the CASP ratings of each article. As a result of these ratings, it was found that each article was written in a different manner where some of the uncovered research limitations include that the qualitative study was not enough to generalise and represent the young youth that did not represent the entire population. As compared to other literature, the research of Christie et al., (2017 ) declares that the studies collected were unclear as there was a high risk of biased responses from the children associated with programs for BMI.

           Hence, with the help of the aims and objectives of the research, it was found that the intervention prevents interventions that are required to reduce adolescent obesity. As discussed, it was also revealed that as obesity is a major health issue, it was found necessary to contribute to the factors that come together to form strategies to function for reducing the risk of dietary choices and healthy eating among young children to reduce stress and other symptoms. As a result, it was concluded that this can aid in reducing and preventing obesity.

Implications for public health policy

           As found, it was confirmed that the changes in the social and environmental changes in the surrounding can have a significant impact on the health of adults and young children. It was also found that the public health practices and programs executed helped sustain the public health environment and provide special support to those individuals that are facing several behavioural and health issues due to lack of physical health that can increase issues such as obesity, heart and breathing problems etc. as a result, it was concluded that the lack of participation in physical activities, dietary plans and quality of food can create unhealthy problems for the youngsters. Hence, it is important to apply suitable public health policy as a dataset to monitor the education patients and people receive regarding obesity.

         To shed light on a public health policy, the CDC Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Legislation followed in more than 50 US states and DC from 2001 and 2017 introduced different programs that spread awareness among people with the help of professionals, researchers and decision-makers to address chronic diseases spread through obesity.

Conclusion and Recommendations

           After going through the key elements of the 3 journal articles, it was found that it is important for professionals and adults to spread awareness on the note of providing healthy nutrition and dietary environment in homes, schools, workplaces and other settings. It was concluded that the result of demotivating factors has increased risk chances among young adults who are unable to lose weight. Some of the effecting factors identified in the research of Thomas and Irwin (2009) are that family support, a healthy diet, lack of time management and motivation to lose weight are among one the factors that cause barriers to healthy physical activity management.

           Hence, it was suggested by participants that developing programs to spread awareness on the health issue can be an effective approach to engage youngsters in activities that can provide an educational overview of the activities that support weight loss and tackling obesity. As discussed in the three articles, it was also suggested that implying public health policies. Moreover, it was also revealed that opportunities such as unstructured programs can allow young adults to promote their experience of losing weight through online platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and MySpace. This ensures that the children have high involvement in intervening in their health progress and bringing behavioural changes in their lifestyle.

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