sales report example

Promoting Tourism in UK

Promoting Tourism in UK



This essay will discuss the tourism industry, the development of contemporary tourism, positive and negatives of tourism regarding the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural impacts of tourism; in the end, this essay will discuss the future impact of tourism

Tourism is the cultural, social, and economic phenomenon that can be defined as the movement of the people to the different countries and places outside of their own country and environment for business and personal purposes. These people are called tourists. Tourism is mostly done for leisure purposes which can be done domestically or outside the country. Statistic figures suggest that tourism is at the highest level during the good economic periods and vice versa during the bad economic period. Tor cannot be for more than one year because it is aligned with the short-term movement for the leisure purpose hence the students for the long-term study purposes to the different countries or places cannot be regarded as tourists

Development of contemporary tourism and their significant factors

Tourism is one of the largest industries and the economies of many countries are boosted by this industry. The major development in the tourism industry was drawn by the following strategies,

·         The adoption of the legislation

·         Privatizing the tourist facilities

·         Automation

·         Mobile Bookings

·         Personalization

·         Sustainable Tourism

·         Transformative Travel

·         Experience Tourism

There were established marketing and management organizations at the local, regional, and national levels, adopting proactive rather than reactive policies (Cooper, 2022). Furthermore, tourism cannot be defined in the isolation from climate change but it needs to be seen from a wider perspective by considering the factors like social, economic, and environmental development.

The below figure shows the total contribution of the tourism to GDP for the UK,

                                                                               Figure 1: Tourism contribution to UK's GDP

Tourism contribution to GDP is continuously increasing, but due to the COVID-19, in 2010 its GDP is significantly decreasing.

Tourism should be planned in a way that helps in bringing sustainability the reality is that sustainability workers receive less priority from the decision-makers during the policy formation during the difficult economic periods. Hence it is important to consider the environmental and social aspects while making the strategies for tourism (Voronkova, 2021). Sustainable development should be understood from the economic point of view as sustainable countries are economically sound and developed.

Sustainable tourism promoters just focus on the sustainability of the destination of the tourists ignoring the impacts of the air travel on the destinations which ultimately negatively impacts the environment. The destination uses elements for sustainability the other ecological impacts are bigger like the emission of the flights (Streimikiene, 2021). Hence the tourism industry has developed a lot but still, there is a lot of gap between the desired and achieved performance because still, they need to reduce the negative environmental effects and work for a better experience for the customers.

Positive and negative economic impacts of tourism

There are many positive and negative impacts of tourism on the economy. The struggle should be for maximizing the positive effects and minimizing the negative effects

Contribution to the government revenues

One of the positive impacts of the tourism is that it increases revenues of the government in a way that will increase the foreign exchange earnings because when the tourists of the other countries will visit the other countries that will eventually increase the foreign exchange earnings will lead to the higher government revenues.

Furthermore, the generated income from tourism can be reinvested in the economic development of the other sectors of the country hence tourism can support the overall development of the economy. Moreover, this depends on the choices of the countries in how they invest and on what they invest their money can differ significantly depending on the need. It is possible that one country has the airline sector weaker and the other has the textile sector weaker based on that they will reinvest their incomes generated from the tourism sector.

Employment generation

The other positive impact of tourism is that it generates employment like park managers and hotel managers tourism creates 7% of the world’s employment hence tourism generates huge employment opportunities.

Negative impacts of the tourism

Infrastructure cost

One of the negative impacts of tourism is the infrastructure cost, when developing the tourism infrastructure can cost the local government and the taxpayers a great amount of money.

Dependence on the tourism

Another negative impact is too much dependence of the local communities of the countries on the tourism sector, and they take the great risk of investing a lot of money in it and expect it to generate revenues which it always does not.

Positive and negative environmental impacts of tourism

The environment is friendly when it is used to the level at which it can bear but when the particular place is surrounded by people more than its capacity then it would be destroyed and will show the negative reactions. Furthermore, tourism can have the pressure on the natural resource when the consumption of the resource is done at a huge level where there is an already scarce resource.

Financial contribution

Tourism can contribute to the areas that are more sensitive like they can pay the fee for the protection of the areas, they can operate the parks and they can increase the trees plantation. These kinds of environmental protection activities can further promote tourism places.

Improved environmental management and planning

The tourism planners and the managers work for the facilities that increase the benefits for the local areas but this needs careful planning and development by analyzing the resources in the particular areas. Careful analysis will help to see the previous mistakes and the good points, in this way the planning would be much better than the previous one.


Especially the fresh water is a critical resource, it is generally viewed that the tourism sector uses the water in the much quantity for the swimming pools, hotels, and the personal usage. This can reduce the water and create a shortage. Many children waste and through the water at each other which damages the environment. Currently, water is the one of major issues because in many parts of the world people are even don’t have drinking use.

Climate change

Scientists are suggesting that the temperature of the earth has been increasing so rapidly that has been creating greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which is trapping much more heat. Hence there is a great need for sustainability that must be put under consideration while planning for tourism.

Positive and negative socio-cultural impacts of tourism

Socio-cultural is one of the factors that have a great impact on tourism so it is important for understanding the tourism industry. There the positive and negative impacts of it on the tourism are discussed below.

Strengthening the communities

Tourism can be one of the factors that help in s the communities, the events, and the festival of that particular local community. Furthermore, it also enables you to promote the local cultures of the particular community.

Commercialization of the art and culture

Tourism can help in rising the many commercial businesses because whenever one business starts it increase the sale for others as well, furthermore, people also promote the businesses that they have got in their heritage from their parents, hence this can further help in enhancing the cultures and the arts of the particular community. Moreover, this will also increase the disposable income of the people which will ultimately boost the economy.

These businesses will also help in showcasing the customs and the tradition of the particular community that would preserve and retain them for more decades.

There is a cost of socio-culture to communities because of tourism. Some of the negative impacts are the changing values, increased gambling and crime, social changes, changes in the moral behaviors, changes in the family roles and the behaviors and which results in the overall destruction of the heritage.

Social change can be defined as the changes in the bios and the way society reacts. Unfortunately, there are a huge number of social changes that communities bear because tourism is not liked. Because everyone loves to follow and practice his/her own values and the behaviors.

The common examples of the cultural changes in the dress codes and the introduction of alcohol in the communities where it is discouraged.


As discussed, tourism is increasing day by day, and with that, the contemporary developments and the opportunism are also increasing.

Furthermore, the world is rapidly becoming globalized because countries have been doing the trade and the things are exported and imported. Hence everybody is losing their individuality. And the personal values and the customs have been changing because of tourism.  There have been many problems rising like climate change, and carbon emissions which are severe issues that must be efficiently dealt with by planning and development.

Before the COVID-19, the world was significantly moving in terms of tourism which was ultimately giving rise to the problems related to the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural issues. After the COVID-19, the tourism industry was affected the most than any other industry and it would take more time in recovering than any other industry. Hence the future of tourism is more alarming after the tourism but the good effect of that would be, it would reduce the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural negative effects.

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