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11 powerful facts everyone should know

11 powerful facts everyone should know

Your mind hears every word you speak like a magnet, and you will ultimately attract the events and circumstances that correspond to your dominant beliefs.

Who is not busy being born is busy dying.

Death is inevitable and random which has a 100% of occurring.

If a CEO collects $300000 per year he risks becoming more like a politician than a founder.

without cleaning the window of your attitude you can't be successful in your life. 

Einstein continues to earn interest in it from beyond the grave by receiving credit for things he never said. As money makes money similarly reputation creates reputation.

A business is only as strong as its weakest employee.

What the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve.

If you think and believe you don't deserve much, you will attract friends and partners in your life that will not treat you well.

The more you are secretive the more you are stressed but be sure to share your secrets with the right people.

Life revolves around three things rules, game and chase. be careful regarding making decisions regarding them.

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