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Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination

Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination


Attitudes that people show toward others are not always reflected in overt action. People with negative attitudes do not show directly to others because of laws, social pressure, and fear of retaliation, all of these prevent people from doing this blatant form of discrimination.

c: More subtle, but just as harmful.

Old-fashioned racism encompassing blatant feeling of superiority has been replaced by the subtle form which has been termed modern racism. Modern- racism is when people don’t display prejudice in a public setting but expressing bigoted attitude when it is safe to do so.


Measuring implicit racial attitude: Finding a bona fide pipeline.

 Sometimes we deliberately display negative attitude toward others and sometimes it unconsciously. Unconscious attitude is the implicit attitude. For measuring it most important method is priming. Priming is the activation of the information that already exists in our mind. One technique that we use in Priming is automatically activated racial attitude that is known as bona fide pipline.

When we confront what our group has done to another group.

People think of their groups as good and moral. So exposure to how ones group has done to other group will evoke their defense that is known as collective guilt it is emotional response that people can experience when they perceive their group as responsible for wrongdoings to other group then the wrong doing group says we did this because that group was engaged in criminal activities that is known as moral disengagement.

How prejudiced people maintain an unprejudiced self-image.

Despite ongoing racial inequalities many white AMERICANS believe they are unprejudiced. Research suggests that it is through social comparison, many people who are prejudiced can perceive themselves as not matching that prototype.

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