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Simplifying the procurement process by using e-commerce

Simplifying the procurement process by using e-commerce


1.      Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

The prevalence of globalisation has resulted in the integration of digital technologies within the business that advanced the way people communicate formally and informally to achieve business and individual goals. It is studied that the emergence of e-commerce has simplified the approach of doing businesses by inducing electronic methods that have also helped in achieving firms’ competitiveness and survival in the long run. E-commerce is defined as the buying and selling of products and services, primarily through the internet to achieve desired outcomes. Since different channels of e-commerce are rapidly growing as shown in Figure below, it has also allowed retailers to continuously advance and revolutionise the way consumers explore, browse and shop.

Figure 1: Popularity of e-commerce in retail (Statista, 2022)

In addition to this, it is studied that different business functions are critical to firm’s success, but procurement play a vital role as it accounts for more than half of enterprises’ sales volume (Manu et al., 2021). Thus, it is important for companies to reduce complexity of the procurement process and provide efficient distribution of products to the clients and end-users. It is examined in the research that procurement is crucial to both, trading and manufacturing companies, and by efficiently performing procurement, it result in reduced cost, boost of profit, and enhanced quality of the products. Likewise, the emergence of e-procurement, also regarded as web-based procurement has emerged that has driven potential to reduce the total cost of acquisition which will be explored in the proposed research.

1.2 Problem Statement

In today’s fast paced digital world, there have been much complexities occurred for businesses to meet the changing dynamics of the market and consumers’ preferences simultaneously to achieve profitable returns (Prior et al., 2021). Moreover, the manufacturing firms where products are made of raw materials and components, and trading companies purchasing of goods and then supply to customers are both regarded as critical and time-consuming process. This presents the fact that procurement is one of the challenging phase of the organisations where it is studied by Chan et al., (2018), failure to understand procurement process results in disproportionate level of problems, specifically in the development of mega projects.

While, it is examined that e-procurement has emerged as revolution due to the cost-effective procurement systems to solve many administrative problems in the public and private sector. It is has studied that there are extensive benefits of e-procurement over traditional procurement methods but the complexity in meeting consumers rapid changing demands, competitiveness and rising economic aspects of the market have remained challenging and unexplored from the perspective of digital technologies and e-commerce dimension. Therefore, this research will highlight the key aspects and factors of e-commerce in reducing the complexity of procurement process.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The main aim of the study will be to explore the key factors of e-commerce that significantly help in reducing the complexity of procurement process in different sectors. The following objectives will be considered to deliver potential outcomes;

·         To assess the significance of procurement process in supply chain management organisation.

·         To evaluate the benefits of e-procurement within the firm

·         To explore the impact of e-commerce on managing the procurement process.

·         To highlight the factors of e-commerce and its influence on reducing the complexity of the procurement process.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions are planned to investigate the aspects of the topic;

1.      What is the significance of procurement process in supply chain management of an organisation?

2.      What are the potential benefits and aspects of e-procurement?

3.      How does e-commerce impact on the management of procurement process within organisations?

4.      What are the key e-commerce factors that help in reducing the complexity of the procurement process?

2.      Literature Review

The process of procurement is studied from different perspectives in the literature that led to different definitions and concepts’ emergence. The study conducted by Bag et al., (2020), defined procurement as the process of sourcing, obtaining and paying for the obtained goods or services. While, it is also described as the preparation and processing of demand as well as the approval or end receipt of payment that aids in obtaining competitive prices for supplies, thereby delivering the potential value (Rejeb et al., 2018). In essence, procurement accounts for major enterprises’ sales volume that significantly contribute to the profitability of the firm.

In addition, researchers have also highlighted the procurement as part of supply chain management. The findings conducted by Bienhaud and Haddud (2018), showed that supply chain management is considered as infrastructure required for covering the logistics involved in goods and services, and transforming the procured goods or services into products distributed to the customers. Likewise, it is evaluated that supply chain is a major part comprising different process involving, planning, designing, implementation, controlling, and monitoring key logistics activities of a firm that also involve procurement, warehouse, distribution, transportation and so on. This explains that procurement and supply chain are interlinked for adequate and efficient distribution of product or services to the customer.

Though, research rectified the ramification of consumers’ changing demands and complexity of procurement in manufacturing and trading firms. The study conducted by Ekinci and BaykasoÄŸlu (2019) concluded that procurement is complex process in manufacturing and trading firms that also result in failure of transporting goods and services in minimal time. While, the prevalence of e-procurement and its importance was highlighted in the research which reflected its main benefits in terms of technology usage, reduced cost, and better sourcing. This showed that integration of digital technology has considered viable in managing complexity in procurement that resulted in efficient management of raw material and delivery of goods and services. Similarly, the emergence of e-commerce has considered vital technology innovation that fostered the relationship between suppliers and organisation to help manage the complexity of procurement process. These theoretical constructions will further be explored in the research.

1.      Methodology

3.1 Research Philosophy

The research philosophy explores and highlight the thoughts of the researcher to analyse the problem and evaluate the solutions based on underlying assumptions (Žukauskas et al., 2018). Generally, interpretivism and positivism are the two philosophical approach that are deployed in scientific studies. The positivism mainly covers the facts and facets to conduct scientific investigation, while interpretivism concerns with establishing detailed insights of the phenomena to shed the light on the key findings and truthful results (Irshaidat, 2019). Therefore, this study will integrate interpretivism because it will be helpful in analysing multiple scholars’ perspective and evaluate each phenomenon studied in the previous literature regarding the simplification of procurement process through e-commerce.

1.2  Research Design

The stage of research design encompasses ways to integrate different methods and techniques for delivering potential outcomes. There are two types of research design including, qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative research design is only useful when examining the numeric and statistical insights to deliver accurate results but is time-consuming. However, in this study, the core focus will be to conduct narrative and secondary studies’ review concerning the procurement process simplification using e-commerce factors with the organisation which will be accurately done using qualitative research design. The purpose of using qualitative research design is its emphasis on descriptive insights and assessing why and how of the phenomena in a detailed manner without investing much time.

1.3  Data Collection

The process of data collection is crucial in the research as it helps in validating and synthesising relevant information on the variable to deliver key outcomes. Primary and secondary data collection are two main techniques used. The primary data is time-consuming as it involves in-person interaction through surveys, interviews, observations and experiments to reveal key aspects of the topic. While, the researcher will utilise secondary data because it will be feasible in assessing the scholars’ perspective and narrative shared in previous studies, explore the gap, and find key aspects that relate to the key factors of e-commerce and its influence on the reduction of complexity in procurement process. The benefit of secondary data collection is the feasibility and time-consuming process of gathering reliable information in a detailed manner.

3.4 Data Analysis

The data analysis phase involves the modelling, inspection, and analysis of useful information gathered so that better conclusion is achieved. Since the proposed research will be based on secondary-qualitative research technique, therefore the qualitative analysis will be done using content analysis technique. Renz et al., (2018) defined that content analysis is considered as research tool used to determine the presence of certain themes, words and texts that are viable to produce desired understanding of the information gathered about the topic. Therefore, this technique will be beneficial in modelling accurate information and then generate findings that highlight the key factors of e-commerce and their influence on the complexity reduction of procurement process.

3.5 Research Ethics

The stage of research ethics is considered prominent part of the research to comply with ethical and social responsibility principles for conducting academic study. Similarly, in this study research will ensure the confidentiality of the information gathered by storing it to University official database so that it can be misused and remain saved which will be deleted after final submission. Moreover, copyright infringement activities will be avoided alongside plagiarism so that originality of the content will be maintained. Lastly, the researcher will cite all the scholars’ work throughout the study so that work will be acknowledged.



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