sales report example

PEST and SWOT Analysis of JD group

PEST and SWOT Analysis of JD group


JD (Jingdong group) is a company that is in the environment of China’s e-commerce and macro environment. The external strategic environment involves China’s e-commerce and macro environment. For such purpose, PEST analysis would be used in order to determine the macro environment of JD and the influence of such environment on the JD group.

Political Factors

Political stability is one of the most crucial factors for any firm. High political stability supports developing a strong and friendly business environment with expected market trends that help in the growth of the business (Mark, 2022). While the political issues discourage the investors and create a problem for the shareholder in trusting the economic and consequential organisation performance. Whereas, the JD Group is the firm that is represented in many countries including the political issues as well. The increase in political issues especially in the global atmosphere would affect the growth of the JD Group and restrict its opportunities.

In current years, it has been observed that Groundhog Day in China for sports activities, referred to as international sports activities have increased in the country only to become knotted in the political affairs of China and also face many problems. Many athletes and leagues are repeatedly challenged by the political requirements while conducting business in the country (Hannah, 2022). Many recent cases that involve the (National Basketball League) NBA, (Women’s Tennis Association) WTA explains the strictness of potential problems for talking out against China. By observing such cases the companies and firms know how to involve with China and get advantage from its growing market. However, China has revealed its need to control the market of international sports as well which supports the country in promoting the sports and fitness among the people of the country and also improves the sports industry of china to more than 4 trillion approx. more than 650 dollars by the year 2025. Such acts influence sports programs and teams




Economic Factors

Economic factors of the company involve a country’s economic structure, system, development level, economic trends for the future, the status of resources, and industrial layout. These factors have a huge impact on the development of the firm and are also directly related to the future development space, process, cost, and effectiveness of the JD group which is considered the most dominant member in the competitive industry (Chris, 2018). According to recent news, there are more than 400 stores of JD in the UK, and owns more than 1500 outlets globally.

Whereas, recently JD made the biggest achievement by paying more than 550 dollars for United state footwear retailer and has more than 500 stores and 300 businesses in the department of Macy’s stores. In the year 2018 JD has reported an increase in net revenue of about 21 percent. Which was considered the slowest development record and hit about 17 billion dollars and a net income of 1.1 billion dollars that barely defeat the expectations of the analyst (Danielle, 2019). Whereas, the yearly active consumers reached more than 300 million at the start of the year and approx. However, according to the results of the past year of retail powerhouse is now reorganising its operations and laying off employees. For the development of the company in a competitive market.



Social Factors

Social factors are the values, customs, cultural traditions, beliefs, and some other components of the participants in the area where the company is located. Social factors are referred to as a significant method and have a huge influence on people's purchases and patterns preferences. Social factors also play an important for making business decisions concerning the JD group. According to a statistical report on China the internet penetration rate has risen to more than 50 percent due to the growing usage of computers and smartphones. Currently, the china informational sector is stable that integrated with several departments of society and the economy frequently plays a significant contribution to the country’s consumption that upgrades the social and economic changes. With the increase in the methods of China’s sports market, the management of the government has progressively standardized, and many methods are improved such as the logistics related to the delivery of the products and the payments methods could be realized quickly with safety. However, in the last few years the ratio of online shopping customers has increased. Now the online market has a wide vision. In the year 2017, the ratio of online shopping is more than 500 million in China. As there’s an increase in the online shopping user, more advancements are required to upgrade the online shopping applications.

However, according to some reports, the total sales of national customer’s goods were more than 35 trillion Yuan in the year 2017 in China. The online retail sector is growing in importance in the promotion of consumption. The rise in the e-commerce market has developed new trends and concepts. To achieve new developing trends in the industry the JD group needs to modify the positioning of the products in an accurate time according to the requirements of the users to improve the service level that including improving the quality of the product, after-sale service, logistics distribution, sustain its competitive benefits.


Technical Factors

The concept of e-commerce was invented based on internet technology. Rapid growth has been observed in the last few years in the informational technology sector of China including internet plus service such as broadband networks, and the growth of digital technology applications and websites that increases the scale of china’s internet service level and technology. However, the rapid change in the progress of the internet has also enhanced the development method of the electronic payment industry and solved the issue regarding capital circulation for the online platforms. 

JD groups involve various payment methods such as WeChat payment, online banking payment, Alipay, etc that have been represented by the Banks like payment and delivery. In addition to being able to help raise the frontal efficiency of distribution logistics, the application of the Internet of things can also be reflected in smart homes, mobile flash sales, and other electricity projects, not only improving the utilization efficiency of social resources, and improve the level of the social productive forces, also makes the electric business platform with more intelligent, for consumers to increase more convenient and personalized online shopping experience.

JD groups have made some advanced inventions in smart projects. For the delivery purpose, it has the world first sorting robot that delivers the product using high technologies services which has enhanced the delivery time and the operational effectiveness of logistics. Such innovations have made the company more unique in the competitive market.


Swot analysis


JD Group is one of the leading companies and has various strengths that help it to succeed in the competitive market.

·         Achieves customer satisfaction: The Company has a stable connection with its customers and has been able to accomplish customer satisfaction on the basis of their requirements in order to attain high customer satisfaction and effective brand equity among the consumers.

·         The cash flow service:  the website of JD provides cash flow services that deliver resources to the company’s hands in order to increase its new projects.

·         Deals with the community properly: The Company has developed a service that provides its dealers the service where they can invest in training as well in order to explain to the client how they can get benefit by the purchase of such product.

·         Proper track records of new and developing products (Guan et al., 2018).



  • Involvement in the research and development is slow as compared to other companies in the market. However, the company is spending more on research and development but cannot compete with other players in the market.
  • The company needs to adopt new technologies. JD group requires to invest more amount in the technology in order to expand its services technically.
  • The challenges faced by new entrants cannot be tackled by the company and due to this has lost some market share as well. The company needs to develop an internal mechanism based on the feedback 


  • New technology acts as an opportunity for the company in order to practice different strategies based on pricing in the new market. It will support the company in order to sustain the customer satisfaction by including efficient services.
  • The company has invested a lot in the online platform and new customers will be achieved through such platforms. The online platform has increased the sales network of JD Company. In the future, a company can get control its customers and could serve their needs with the help of such opportunities.



  • The new trend towards the concept of isolationism in the economic system of America, this trend could be followed by other governments which could have a bad impact on international sales as well.
  • New market demands related to raw materials could impact the company’s profitability
  • As the company is operating in many areas of the world, it could face the lawsuits in the given market due to different rules and laws and rapid changes related to the standard of the product in such market (Fan et al., 2021)







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