sales report example

Proposal check list

Proposal check list


Research Rationale

·         Justify the topic selected. Why there is a need to conduct research on this topic

·         Personal motivation

·         Benefits for academic literature, business/sector/firm, economy, etc.

Problem Statement

·         Justify the research aim. Why your research is important and WHAT is your research?

Research Aim and Objectives

·         Always based on research aim

·         Identify independent and dependent variable

·         Mention relationship

·         Recommendations

·         SMART methodology


Literature Review

·         Should be very brief and to the point supporting rationale and problem statement

·         Focus on recent research only

·         Discuss main variables only

Proposed Methodology

·         Definition

·         Mention following headings

Research Methods

·         Theory – what options are available

·         What you have chosen

Research Strategy

  • Theory – what options are available
  • What you have chosen

Data Collection Instrument

  • Theory – what options are available
  • What you have chosen

Sampling Strategy

  • Theory – what options are available
  • What you have chosen

Data Analysis Technique

  • Theory – what options are available
  • What you have chosen

Ethical Considerations


Gantt chart



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