sales report example

6 successful pricing strategies

6 successful pricing strategies

As we already discussed in our grocery retail store, there must be various items for the various customers, hence we will use different prices for the different customers because their choices, tests, and preferences vary according to their characteristics so the following pricing mix policies will be followed at our store.

Discount-oriented pricing

Initially, when we will open the retail store we will give discounts in order to attract customers to generate short-term sales, but these discounts would be very much limited so that we may not occur losses. When the store is newly opened, it is necessary to attract the customers with some innovative techniques and these techniques can be discounts, premiums, quality goods,, and differentiations so on, because when stores are newly, open customers are reluctant to buy unless they get something better or at lower prices than other retailers.

Cost-oriented pricing

Cost-oriented pricing is used by adding per-unit merchandise costs, retail operating expenses, and desired profit. This technique is the most common technique because it is important for any retailer to cover the whole costs by charging the customers in order to earn certain profits and we will also use this technique.

Competitor-oriented pricing

We would use the competitor prices as a guide because it is necessary to do the competitor analysis, what prices competitors are charging, if they are lowering the prices then we must lower them and if they increase the prices then we also need to increase the prices. Most of the time prices are not changed due to changes in demand but because competitors alter the prices. So we would follow this technique as well.

Price quality association

The price-quality association concept is about higher prices being related to high-quality goods and low prices being related to low-quality goods. So yes, we would keep both, higher and lower quality goods, and charge higher prices for high-quality goods and lower prices for low-quality goods. As there are both two types of customers the ones that can afford the quality goods because they don’t care about the prices charged for the goods but what matters for them is the quality of goods and the other type of customers are the poor because they don’t have enough money to pay for the high-quality goods hence them limit themselves to lower quality goods.

Flexible pricing

We would use flexible pricing, we would let customers bargain over prices and those who will remain successful at bargaining will get at lower prices and vice versa.

Odd pricing

In the odd pricing,, retailers charge below the even rupee like 999, or 1099 because this makes the impression on a consumer that the price is lower.

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