sales report example

How Age Influences Social Media Preferences

How Age Influences Social Media Preferences


I am going to analyze the media habits of the different age groups in Pakistan like I would analyze the reality of the media user characteristics, their age, media usage style, their interest in the different media, and the time they spend on the media. Furthermore,, I would like to analyze the research and study conducted previously and my own observations as well, for that, I would take help from the tabular depiction so as to make it more logical and understandable. One study showed that 67% of students on daily bases are using the time more than four hours per day on the social media platform compared to traditional media(radio, print, television, and billboards) 25.2%.


Talking about the youth of Pakistan which is one of the most focused groups by the marketers, hence it is of utmost importance to know which media they use the most and how much time they spend on that platform, so the youth is majorly using social media very actively. Statistics suggest that Facebook is on top of the other social media platforms used in Pakistan and after that other social media platforms are also being used like Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn, it is very important for the marketers to understand what attracts the people at there and how they use it, and what kind of pages they like and dislike. Many of them also use traditional media such as television because television is most commonly used in every home, young boys and girls like to watch dramas and new movies. No doubt, currently the use of television is declining day by day due to the boom of social media but still, television is used in the homes and even radios are also used In the in far from city areas because they may not have the facility have television and the cables, so marketers need to understand the implication of them.

 Aged people

We cannot forget the time when there were no televisions and social media, but there were only newspapers that people used to read them happily and really they used to enjoy it, hence many people still love to read the newspapers may be because they have a certain type of attachment with it, this is the reason why many of those people that now have become the aged are still using the newspapers. I can remember when I used to go to the library in our city many of the aged people used to come just for the sake of reading the newspaper, so this is what attachment with it, they have TVs at their homes but they are still coming to the library for reading the new papers. So marketers need to understand the importance of the newspapers for the aged people, if they want to target the aged people one of the most important advertising forms is the newspapers. Many aged people also use dislike television and social media as well so marketers also need to understand why they use social media and television, how much time they spend there and what are there likes and dislikes. So these things must be considered regarding advertising.


Children are a very sensitive market regarding targeting them through advertising because what they see in the ads starts children to form their perception, we have seen many children performing many dangerous television stunts because they have seen that the television. So marketers need to take care of these things while making ads for kids. Children love to watch cartoons on television, which perhaps, we all have seen in our childhood, so marketers need to understand the importance of television to children. Marketers need to play the ads on the cartoon channels and may be on the most famous cartoon channels, but now because the mobile phones have replaces the television and many of the children also demand their parents to get them phones so that they can watch the cartoons and the similar funny things on the YouTube on just one click. So markets also need to understand the need of the YouTube and phones for the children.

Furthermore, it was also observed through the results that social and traditional media users are more concerned about the happenings in their surroundings 31.4% prefer the local news, 27.33% prefer the entertainment news, and 22.3% prefer the disaster & relief news. Furthermore, studies also showed that 64.8% prefer Facebook in social media and only 21.1% prefer to use Twitter and so on. On the other hand, 50.7% prefer to use the TV for the news, 33.8 prefer to use the newspaper and 9.5% prefer to listen to the radio.

In a survey 1383 participants of the different age groups that have been defined as 16-20, 21-25, 26—30, 31-35, and 36, and more they observed the following results

In the table 2, we can clearly see that the different age groups in the percentage and in the number of respondent that have been used in this study.

Table 5 shows the percentage of the different people using the media, 37.80% use the social media, 34.90% use the traditional media (TV, radio, print and billboards) and social and traditional media are used by the 27.10%.

The table 13,Table shows the different percentages used for the different social media, Facebook is at the top of all that.

The above table shows the different traditional media with differing percentages. TV is watched 50.7% which is at the top of all.


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